students in a nautical simulator

Interested in Camosun's Marine Training courses and programs?

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View 2024-2025 Schedule

Why Choose Nautical?

If you hear the call for adventure while you are stuck sitting at your desk, you might be interested in a career in the nautical industry. With a balance of indoor and outdoor activities, practical and administrative duties, you can find a position in the nautical industry that pays well and matches your working style. While out at sea, you can hone your seafaring skills and develop a great camaraderie with your coworkers as you explore Canadian waters.




Why Choose Camosun?

Industry approved Marine Training Certification taught by industry professionals. Our instructors are professional mariners with decades of experience. They have the information and experience to help you make informed career decisions, with up-to-date knowledge on the latest regulations from Transport Canada, Industry Canada, and the provincial government.

With over 40 years of providing outstanding real-world training to thousands of seafarers, Camosun continues to deliver the practical skills, support and education you want to get the industry certification you need.


Please reach out to ProSIT, or call 250-370-4563 for registration information. 

For course information, please email Capt. Mori Peivast at, or phone 250-514-8738.


transport canada ships

All courses are approved by Transport Canada 


We are especially grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen (Songhees, Esquimalt), Malahat, Pacheedaht, Scia'new, T'Sou-ke, and WSÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum) peoples. We acknowledge their welcome and graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here.

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