
Course Description

This course provides the deck officer with an in-depth knowledge of the practices and theory involved in piloting a vessel.

Topics covered in this course include: pilotage, steering; symbols; sailing directions; lists of lights; tidal currents; navigation in confined waters; navigation aids; buoyage system; bridge practices; charts; chart usage; fixing position; estimating position; courses; conversion of course; distance measurement; range of visibility; reliability of charts; publications; tidal terms; calculation of tides; set and rate of tides; records.



Please purchase ahead of the course 

Required for the following certificates of competencies:

  • Fishing Master, 3rd Class
  • Chief Mate 500T, Domestic
  • Watchkeeping Mate, Near Coastal
  • Watchkeeping Mate
  • Master 150T, Domestic

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Unfortunately, this course is currently not open for enrollment or is in the process of being rescheduled. Join Our Interest List below to be notified via email when the course is next available for registration.


We are especially grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen (Songhees, Kosapsum), Malahat, Pacheedaht, Scia'new, T'Sou-ke, and WSÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum) peoples. We acknowledge their welcome and graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here.

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