
Course Description

Lean is an organizational philosophy, and an approach to business, that develops people through respect, training and engagement to facilitate problem solving that drives innovation and productivity.  Though Lean methodologies are already common in fields such as manufacturing and supply chain management, every field from healthcare to construction can benefit from this philosophy. 
This online, asynchronous, low-cost Micro-Credential will teach you the basics of Lean and how you can apply it to your work and your workplace. The Lean Fundamentals Micro-credential requires approximately 30 hours to finish. Participants will have access to the course for a minimum of 4 months, providing flexibility. To ensure successful completion, it's advisable for learners to dedicate at least 2.5 to 3 hours per week to the course.

Lean creates an environment for innovation, productivity, and safety and is applicable to organizations of all types. View the video below to hear testimonials from people who have improved their processes through Lean.

Learner Outcomes

This Micro-Credential is designed to create awareness and understanding of Lean fundamentals. For learners with no prior exposure to Lean, the Micro-Credential introduces basic concepts and skills that are highly valued in the workplace. For those with previous Lean experience, the course offers an excellent refresher. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to do the following:

  • understand the overall philosophy behind Lean:
  • be able to apply Lean concepts and tools in your organization;
  • have a common language and approach for pursuing continuous improvement throughout your organization; and
  • be able to participate in, and even lead, continuous improvement efforts within your organization.


This Micro-Credential has no prerequisites. A commitment to complete all modules and assignments is highly encouraged for a successful outcome. The Lean philosophy creates a foundational platform for a safe and inclusive work environment, and is recommended for students in all areas of study.

Course Details
Section Title
Lean Fundamentals Micro-Credential
Mar 14, 2024 to Mar 13, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
tuition non-credit $40.00
Section Notes
*NOTE: Please be aware that access to course materials in the D2L system will become available 24 hours after registration for the course. 

We are especially grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen (Songhees, Kosapsum), Malahat, Pacheedaht, Scia'new, T'Sou-ke, and WSÁNEĆ (Pauquachin, Tsartlip, Tsawout, Tseycum) peoples. We acknowledge their welcome and graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here.

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